Traditional Chinese acupuncture deals with the patients rather than their “illnesses”. It is a personalised strengthening and balancing technique, with no side effects, which can safely be used in conjunction with any ongoing treatments. Patients feel a sense of calm and relaxation afterwards.
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, taking certain herbs and spices (most of which are familiar to all of us and form part of our day-to-day diet) is an inseparable part of the process of strengthening the patient’s body. Following a good diet also significantly improves quality of life and the efficacy of the treatment.
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Moxa is a substance made from the dried leaves of the mugwort plant (Artemisia vulgaris). Burning it close to the skin above acupuncture points is intended to warm the meridians by eliminating the cold, promoting the smooth flow of Qi and the blood, boosting Yang energy and preventing illnesses.
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‘Tui Na’ massage is one of the external therapeutic techniques employed by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Whether using bare hands or special tools, it exerts pressure on or rubs the body’s acupuncture points.
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Cupping has been practised since antiquity all around the globe. Going by the name of “ventouzes”, cups are a part of Greek tradition and are an amazingly effective means of self-healing. The use of cups, heated or otherwise, benefits the free and smooth flow of Vital Energy (Qi) and the blood.
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