Acutherapy - Βελονισμός

Not just a typical Frequently Asked Questions

Who uses acutherapy?

Millions of people around the world use acupuncture to treat health issues and other conditions. Some use acutherapy to overcome anxiety or a personal crisis of some kind, others to improve their professional performance, and others to reinforce their immune system. It can be used if you’re feeling sluggish or even to treat a specific health problem. Acutherapy is considered to be suitable for all age groups including infants, children and the elderly. Acupuncture’s effectiveness is increased in combination with other techniques, especially when they are coordinated in a homeopathic way.

Is it safe for all age groups?

Yes. Acupuncture is of great benefit to both children and adults.

How can Traditional Chinese Acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture is widely accepted as a means to treat a broad range of physical and mental symptoms, whether they are very specific and obvious ones or more general and uncertain ones which, nevertheless, have an equally negative impact on the person’s condition.

How many sessions of acupuncture will I need?

That depends on the individual circumstances. Sessions are held once or twice a week at first. An improvement is usually seen between the first and third sessions, although more chronic conditions may take longer. Once the condition has been stabilised, monthly sessions might be needed in order to maintain equilibrium. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is also highly effective as a means to boost the body’s defensive energies, and many people use acupuncture to alleviate difficulties in adjusting to the changing seasons.

What does acupuncture feel like?

Many people find acupuncture relaxing. The sensation of acupuncture is often described as being like a “tickle”, a “nip”, a “dull ache” or an “electrical current”. Those are indications that the body’s vital energy (Qi) has been activated.

I’m scared of needles. Can I do acupuncture?

Yes. The needles are extremely fine – much finer than the needles used for injections or blood samples. You often won’t feel the needles being inserted and they rarely cause any discomfort afterwards.

Do I need to do anything to get ready for acupuncture?

Ideally you shouldn’t eat before the session since the digestive process affects the pulse and flow of bodily fluids, and you also might need to lie face down. It’s also better to avoid alcohol and coffee. It’s a good idea to wear loose, light clothing which allows easy access to the acupuncture points. The initial sessions for beginners normally concentrate on the limbs, so they are easy and comfortable.

How will I feel after acupuncture?

You will probably feel calm and relaxed. You might feel tired and sleepy if it was a particularly intense session of acupuncture. In such circumstances, it’s a good idea to avoid activities such as driving.

Does acupuncture have side effects?

Acupuncture has practically no adverse effects. There may be some mild skin irritations (bruising or redness) which subside rapidly. Any exacerbation of the condition, where symptoms are seen to deteriorate temporarily, is an indication of successful treatment. This “flare-up” is the result of accelerating the desired improvement and upcoming equilibrium.

Should I tell my doctor that I’m having acupuncture?

If you are being seen by a doctor and are receiving medical treatment, then it’s sensible to tell him that you’re undergoing acupuncture. Your acupuncturist also needs to know what medications you’re taking and about any operations you might have had.

Should I carry on taking my medication?

Yes. Acupuncture may help you to reduce or even terminate any medication you’re taking, but any change to the treatment must be made by the doctor who prescribed it. NEVER TERMINATE YOUR MEDICATION WITHOUT MEDICAL ADVICE.

Can I have acupuncture in public health agencies?

Acupuncture is not recognized in Greece as a scientific medical practice and it is not taught in the country’s higher education institutions. At the moment, some doctors practise acupuncture – either in combination or alone – once they have received appropriate training. There are Pain Clinics in some public hospitals which use acupuncture for patient relief. The EU’s framework on the matter is still under construction, but it is doubtful that acupuncture will be placed definitively within public health structures because it conflicts with the philosophy of the pharmaceutical industry and of standard western medicine.

Does my private insurance cover acupuncture?

You’ll need to contact your insurance provider to find out. Many private insurance companies now cover the costs of acupuncture sessions and homeopathy. If this is applies in your case, we’ll give you a referral to a suitable medical centre.

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